“Looking for Alaska” is a young adult novel written by John Green, published in 2005. The story follows Miles Halter, a teenager who is fascinated by people’s last words and seeks “the Great Perhaps” in his life. He leaves his hometown in Florida to attend Culver Creek Preparatory School in Alabama, where he hopes to find deeper meaning and make new friends.
At Culver Creek, Miles befriends his roommate, Chip “the Colonel” Martin, and falls in love with a mysterious and enigmatic girl named Alaska Young. Alaska is smart, impulsive, and troubled, and Miles becomes infatuated with her. As Miles navigates the challenges of adolescence and friendship, he becomes entangled in Alaska’s tumultuous life.
The novel explores themes of friendship, love, grief, and the search for identity. It is divided into two parts: “Before” and “After,” referring to a pivotal event that changes the characters’ lives forever. “Looking for Alaska” is known for its candid portrayal of teenage experiences and its exploration of existential questions about life, death, and the meaning of existence.