Buy Collide by Bal Khabra (paperback)


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“Collide” typically means to come into sudden, violent contact with something. However, the term is often used metaphorically to describe the convergence or clash of different ideas, forces, or entities. Here are a few interpretations of “Collide” in various contexts:

  1. Physical Collision: In a literal sense, “collide” refers to the act of two or more objects or entities coming into sudden, often forceful contact with each other. This could include vehicles colliding in a car accident, atoms colliding in a nuclear reaction, or celestial bodies colliding in space.
  2. Ideological Clash: Metaphorically, “collide” can describe the clash or conflict between different ideas, beliefs, values, or ideologies. For example, political ideologies might collide during a debate or election, cultural values might collide in a diverse society, or scientific theories might collide in the pursuit of knowledge.
  3. Creative Intersection: “Collide” can also describe the convergence or merging of different creative influences or disciplines. For instance, artists might collide different artistic styles or mediums in their work, musicians might collide genres to create new sounds, or inventors might collide technologies to create innovative products.
  4. Unexpected Encounter: “Collide” can imply an unexpected or chance encounter between two entities or individuals. This could include people colliding in a crowded space, ideas colliding during a brainstorming session, or opportunities colliding unexpectedly in life.

Overall, “collide” suggests a meeting or interaction characterized by impact, force, or conflict, whether in a physical, metaphorical, or abstract sense. It captures the idea of things coming together, often with significant consequences or outcomes.

Dimensions12 × 12 × 2 cm

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