The Enemy by Sarah J. Maas
The Enemy is a thrilling tale set in a world filled with magic, betrayal, and intrigue. The story follows a young protagonist who must navigate complex alliances and confront hidden dangers as she uncovers dark secrets about her past and those around her. Maas weaves a gripping narrative that explores themes of loyalty, power, and the struggle against formidable foes, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.
The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams
The Cheat Sheet is a charming romantic comedy that centers on the unexpected love story between a young woman and her childhood crush, a famous football player. As they reconnect, old feelings and new challenges emerge, leading to hilarious misunderstandings and heartwarming moments. Adams skillfully blends humor and romance, creating a delightful story about second chances, friendship, and the complexities of love in the public eye.
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