“Hooked” by Emily McIntire is an enticing addition to the “Never After Series,” offering readers a fresh and captivating twist on classic fairy tales. In this enchanting novel, we meet protagonist Ella Mayhew, a spirited young woman with a passion for adventure and a penchant for getting herself into trouble.
When Ella stumbles upon a mysterious book of fairy tales, she unwittingly unlocks a world of magic, danger, and romance. As she delves deeper into the enchanted realm, she encounters dashing pirates, cunning witches, and other fantastical creatures, all while navigating a perilous journey to break an ancient curse.
Amidst the challenges and trials she faces, Ella finds herself drawn to the enigmatic Captain Max Westin, a charming rogue with a troubled past. Together, they embark on a thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns, danger, and romance.
With its richly imagined world, compelling characters, and captivating storyline, “Hooked” is a spellbinding tale that will delight fans of fairy tales and romance alike. Join Ella on her quest for love and redemption in this enchanting installment of the “Never After Series” by Emily McIntire.
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