“King of Pride” is a contemporary romance novel by Ana Huang. It follows the story of Natalie Cleary, a college student who lands a job as a personal assistant to a wealthy CEO named Alex Kingsley. As Natalie navigates her new role, she finds herself drawn to Alex, despite his reputation as a playboy. As their relationship develops, they must confront their pasts and navigate the challenges of balancing love and career ambitions. “King of Pride” explores themes of love, ambition, and self-discovery in the backdrop of a modern workplace setting.
₹310.00Buy King Of Pride by Ana Huang (paperback)
4 in stock
Weight | 0.3 kg |
Dimensions | 12 × 2 × 8 cm |
GTIN | 9.78E+12 |
Book Author | Ana Huang |
Binding | Paperback |
Language | English |
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