“Market Wizards” is a series of books written by Jack D. Schwager, first published in 1989. The series delves into the minds and strategies of some of the most successful traders and investors of all time. Through in-depth interviews and analysis, Schwager seeks to uncover the secrets behind their extraordinary success in the financial markets.
The books in the “Market Wizards” series include:
- “Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders” (1989): This book features interviews with legendary traders such as Paul Tudor Jones, Michael Marcus, and Ed Seykota. Each trader shares their personal journey, trading philosophy, and insights into the markets.
- “The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America’s Top Traders” (1992): In this follow-up to the original book, Schwager interviews a new set of successful traders, including Bruce Kovner, Richard Dennis, and Stanley Druckenmiller. The book provides further insights into the diverse strategies employed by top traders.
- “Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America’s Top Stock Traders” (2001): Focusing specifically on stock trading, this book features interviews with prominent stock traders such as Mark Minervini, Mark Cook, and Marty Schwartz. Readers gain valuable insights into the approaches and techniques used by successful stock market investors.
- “Hedge Fund Market Wizards: How Winning Traders Win” (2012): In this installment, Schwager turns his attention to the world of hedge funds and interviews some of the industry’s most successful managers, including Ray Dalio, David Tepper, and Paul Tudor Jones. The book provides an inside look at the strategies and mindset of top hedge fund managers.
- “Market Wizards, Updated: Interviews with Top Traders” (2012): This updated edition of the original “Market Wizards” book includes new interviews and insights from traders who have achieved success in various market conditions. Schwager revisits some of the traders featured in the first book and provides additional commentary and analysis.
The “Market Wizards” series is widely regarded as a must-read for traders and investors seeking to improve their skills and gain a deeper understanding of the markets. Through the candid interviews and diverse perspectives offered in these books, readers can learn from the experiences of some of the most accomplished market participants in history.