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Buy The Concise 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene (paperback)

SKU: SKU0902


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The Concise 48 Laws of Power

“The Concise 48 Laws of Power” is a condensed version of Robert Greene’s bestselling book “The 48 Laws of Power.” In this concise edition, Greene distills the key principles from the original book into a more accessible format, providing readers with a straightforward overview of the strategies and tactics for gaining and maintaining power.

The book is structured around 48 laws or principles that Greene identifies as timeless strategies used by history’s most influential and powerful figures. These laws are derived from historical examples, anecdotes, and philosophical insights, offering readers practical insights into the dynamics of power and human behavior.

Each law is accompanied by a brief explanation and real-world examples illustrating its application. Some of the key laws include “Never Outshine the Master,” “Think as You Like but Behave Like Others,” “Conceal Your Intentions,” and “Crush Your Enemy Totally.”

“The Concise 48 Laws of Power” is designed to be a practical guide for anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of power and influence in various aspects of life, including business, politics, and personal relationships. It offers readers actionable insights and strategies for navigating social dynamics, achieving their goals, and protecting themselves from manipulation and exploitation.

While the concise edition provides a more condensed overview of Greene’s ideas, readers may still find value in its insights and practical wisdom for navigating the complex terrain of power and influence.

Additional information

Weight0.3 kg
Dimensions12 × 2 × 8 cm


Book Author

Robert Greene, Joost Elffers






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