The Deal
“The Deal” is a captivating contemporary romance novel written by Elle Kennedy, first published in 2015. Set in the fictional world of college hockey, the story follows the unlikely romance between two college students who strike up a deal that leads to unexpected feelings and complications.
The protagonists of the story are Hannah Wells, a smart and independent college student with a passion for music, and Garrett Graham, a star hockey player known for his charm and good looks. When Hannah needs help with a class, Garrett offers to tutor her in exchange for her help in winning back his ex-girlfriend.
As they spend more time together, Hannah and Garrett develop a genuine connection that goes beyond their initial arrangement. Despite their differences, they find themselves drawn to each other in ways they never expected. However, their budding romance is complicated by past traumas, insecurities, and the pressures of college life.
“The Deal” is praised for its witty banter, steamy romance, and well-developed characters. Elle Kennedy expertly weaves together elements of humor, drama, and romance to create a story that is both entertaining and heartfelt. The novel explores themes of friendship, forgiveness, and the transformative power of love, making it a beloved favorite among fans of the new adult romance genre.