The Fine Print
“The Fine Print” is a legal thriller novel written by Dreda Say Mitchell, first published in 2011. Set in London, the story follows the life of two characters, Frankie Abandonato and Jonathon Hunt, who are brought together by a high-stakes legal case.
Frankie Abandonato is a young woman from a working-class background who dreams of becoming a successful lawyer. When she lands a job at the prestigious law firm of Hunt & Hunter, she sees it as her opportunity to make it big in the legal world. However, she soon discovers that the firm is not what it seems, and she finds herself embroiled in a dangerous game of deception and betrayal.
Jonathon Hunt is a wealthy and powerful lawyer who runs Hunt & Hunter with an iron fist. When a controversial case involving a multinational corporation lands on his desk, he sees it as his chance to make millions. But as he delves deeper into the case, he realizes that there are dark forces at play, and he must confront his own demons if he wants to come out on top.
As Frankie and Jonathon navigate the treacherous waters of the legal world, they must confront their own moral dilemmas and make difficult choices that will shape their futures. With its fast-paced plot, intriguing characters, and unexpected twists, “The Fine Print” is a gripping thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
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