“Zucked” is a book written by Roger McNamee, published in 2019. It offers a critical examination of Facebook, its impact on society, and the broader implications of social media platforms on democracy, privacy, and public discourse.
The title “Zucked” is a play on words, combining “Zuck,” a reference to Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, with the word “sucked.” It suggests a sense of disillusionment or betrayal, implying that users of Facebook and other social media platforms have been deceived or taken advantage of in some way.
In the book, McNamee, who was an early investor in Facebook, reflects on his experiences with the company and its evolution over time. He raises concerns about Facebook’s business model, data practices, and the role it plays in shaping public opinion and behavior. McNamee also explores the ways in which social media platforms can be manipulated and exploited for political and commercial gain, highlighting the need for greater regulation and accountability.
Overall, “Zucked” offers a critical perspective on the rise of social media and its impact on society, encouraging readers to question the role of technology companies in shaping our lives and the future of democracy.
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